I want to use the results of 2 outputs in shiny to another output for plotting : The first output is soq1 below:
output$soq <- renderTable({
if (input$selectedLevels == "Technical Junior")
else if (input$selectedLevels == "Entry Level")
else if (input$selectedLevels == "Product Owner")
else if (input$selectedLevels == "Technical Leader")
else if (input$selectedLevels == "Senior Manager")
}, include.rownames = TRUE , bordered = TRUE ,hover = TRUE, align = "c" )
the second output i want to use later is :
output$suq <- renderTable({
if (input$selectedLevels == "Technical Junior")
else if (input$selectedLevels == "Entry Level")
else if (input$selectedLevels == "Product Owner")
else if (input$selectedLevels == "Technical Leader")
else if (input$selectedLevels == "Senior Manager")
}, include.rownames = TRUE , bordered = TRUE ,hover = TRUE, align = "c" )
And later i want to use the result soq1 and suq1 to another output for calculations :
output$qsplot <- renderPlot({
if (input$selectedLevels == "Technical Junior")
{ plot(x,-x,type = "p",main = "Qualification Space",xlim = c(0,1),ylim = c(-1,0), xlab = "SOQ",ylab = "SUQ")
points(soq1,suq1,type="o",pch=20) }
I am not sure, but I think you are either looking for:
or reactiveValues()
I think the cleaner version would be to use reactive()
, but to stay a bit closer to your code snippet, I will use the latter one and perform the data modification with the the renderTable()
mat <- matrix(1:9, ncol = 3)
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output, session){
global <- reactiveValues(mat = NULL)
output$table1 <- renderTable({
matNew <- mat
# edit the table
matNew[, 1] <- 1
global$mat <- matNew
output$table2 <- renderTable({
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)