I would ask about capability to change the filed datatype from Single line to Multiline without delete this field.
Actually the CRM form editor is disable the data type option set after filed created, so I think I have to change the data type via Database
but I need to know if is it possible to do that, and if we change the data type from the database is it will change the filed from single line shape to multiline in the form.? because my CRM is online so I need confirm is it possible, to ask Microsoft to do it for me.
Best regards .
It is not possible to convert a single line text field to a multi-line text field. Instead you should create a new multi-line text field and move the data from the old field to the new field.
If you were on-premise, you should not be making direct changes to the database (and there is no way Microsoft would be doing so for you online):
Modifying tables, stored procedures, or views in the database is not supported.