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MARS with exceptions.s from SPIM: Symbol "main "not found in symbol table. How can I fix this?

I just recently downloaded MARS MIPS on my mac again and tried to re-learn how to program. I wrote this code:

    myMessage: .asciiz "Hello World \n"
    li $v0, 4
    la $a0, myMessage

When I tried to run it, it gave me this message on a separate exceptions.s tab:

Error in /Users/myname/Desktop/exceptions.s line 180 column 6: Symbol "main" not found in symbol table.

And this was the portion of the exceptions.s code from SPIM, which the MARS manual says should work under MARS.

# Standard startup code.  Invoke the routine "main" with arguments:
#   main(argc, argv, envp)
.globl __start          #line 173
    lw $a0 0($sp)       # argc
    addiu $a1 $sp 4     # argv
    addiu $a2 $a1 4     # envp
    sll $v0 $a0 2
    addu $a2 $a2 $v0
    jal main            #line 180

    li $v0 10
    syscall         # syscall 10 (exit)

    .globl __eoth
__eoth:             #last line 187

I want to start using MIPS again. Any help is appreciated.


  • Your program must have a global main label, which serves as the entry point of your program:

    # Data goes here
    .globl main
    # Code goes here