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Date Order in Cross Tab Query - use Separate Table to Sort

I have a cross tab query with 'mmm-yyyy' formatted dates for Fields in the Columns.

I have used the below Design to create the query.

Cross Tab Design View

The problem I am having is the dates are not sorting correctly from Dec-17 down to Jul-16 in descending order. This is going to be a dynamic query with months changing every month so I want to use an additional table of data to do the sorting (as opposed to entering a list of month names in the Properties window).

Month Order Table

How would I fix my query to get it to do this please?

Thanks for your help


  • Unfortunately, no matter how joined tables are sorted, crosstab will sort columns by default in alphabetical order, hence Apr, Dec, ... begins the order. To change or even filter column order in crosstabs, you would specify values in PIVOT Col IN () clause of SQL statement.

    Since you need a dynamic query consider creating a querydef in VBA to update the SQL behind the crosstab where you dynamically update the PIVOT Col IN () clause. Of course, pass begin and end dates as needed or by parameters:

    Public Sub BuildCrossTab() 
      Dim db As Database 
      Dim qdef As QueryDef 
      Dim strSQL As String, dates As String
      Dim i As Integer, monthsDiff As Integer
      Set db = CurrentDb
      For Each qdef in db.QueryDefs
         If qdef.Name = "AccuralsCrosstabQ" Then
            db.Execute "DROP Table " & qdef.Name, dbFailOnError
         End If
      Next qdef
      dates = "("
      monthsDiff = DateDiff("m", #7/1/2016#, #12/1/2016#)
      For i = monthsDiff To 0 Step -1
         dates = dates & " '" & Format(DateAdd("m", i, #7/1/2016#), "mmm-yyyy") & "',"
      Next i
      dates = dates & ")"
      dates = Replace(dates, ",)", ")")
      strSQL = "TRANSFORM SUM(a.[Amount $]) AS SumAmount" _ 
           & " SELECT a.Company, a.[Accrual ID], SUM(a.[Amount $]) As [Total Amount $]" _ 
           & " FROM [Accruals Raw Data] a " _ 
           & " GROUP BY a.Company, a.[Accrual ID]" _
           & " PIVOT Format(a.[Posted Date], ""mmm-yyyy"")" _
           & " IN " & dates
      Set qdef = db.CreateQueryDef("AccuralsCrosstabQ", strSQL)    
      Set qdef = Nothing 
      Set db = Nothing 
    End Sub