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How to retrieve specific ReactPHP socket error?

The following has an on error event. How can I determine the specific error?

$loop = Factory::create();
$socket = new React\Socket\Server($loop);
$socket->on('connection', function (\React\Socket\ConnectionInterface $stream){

    $stream->on('data', function($rsp) {
        echo('on data');

    $stream->on('close', function($conn) {
        echo('on close');

    $stream->on('error', function($conn) use ($stream) {
        echo('on error');
        // How do I determine the specific error?

    echo("on connect");



  • Looking at the implementation of a ConnectionInterface, React\Socket\Connection, it extends React\Stream\Stream, which uses emit() (which will trigger the callbacks registered with on):

    $that = $this;
    $this->buffer->on('error', function ($error) use ($that) {
        $that->emit('error', array($error, $that));

    Thus, the first argument of that function is the error, the second one the $stream:

    $stream->on('error', function($error, $stream) {
        echo "an exception happened: $error";
        // $error will be an instance of Throwable then