I'm playing with gmock, and I have a contrived example I'm using to learn it's nuances. I have a problem with a call to what I would have expected the implicit copy constructor:
// mock_word.h
class MockWord : Word {
MockWord(const std::string word) : Word(word) {};
MOCK_METHOD0(pigLatinify, std::string(void));
// strings.h
template <typename Word>
class Strings {
std::vector<Word>* words = new std::vector<Word>();
// This should call the implicit copy constructor
void addWord(const Word word) {
// strings_test.cpp
class StringsTest : public ::testing::Test {
Strings<MockWord>* strings;
virtual void SetUp() {
strings = new Strings<MockWord>();
virtual void TearDown() {
delete strings;
TEST_F(StringsTest, StringIsAllPigLatinifiedNicely) {
MockWord mockWordA("beast");
MockWord mockWordB("dough");
// Set some expectations for the Mock
EXPECT_CALL(mockWordA, pigLatinify()).Times(AtLeast(1));
EXPECT_CALL(mockWordB, pigLatinify()).Times(AtLeast(1));
Now, I could probably have this complile and work if I convert mockWordA
and mockWordB
from automatic variables to pointers, but that's not the interface I want to provide.
The exact error I'm getting is:
error: call to implicitly-deleted copy constructor of 'MockWord'
mock_word.h:11:9: note: copy constructor of 'MockWord' is implicitly deleted because field 'gmock0_pigLatinify_11' has a deleted copy constructor
MOCK_METHOD0(pigLatinify, std::string(void));
I solved the problem by changing my function interface to Strings::addWord(Word* word)
which to me seems restrictive given that I'd rather not use pointers with such a basic example.