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Peewee: How to select data from Postgres where array field is empty?

Here is a simple Peewee model to work with Postgres

import playhouse.postgres_ext as pg

db = pg.PostgresqlDatabase(""" credentials ... """)

class Artist(pg.Model):
   name = pg.TextField()
   albums = pg.ArrayField(pg.TextField, default=[])

   class Meta:
      database = db

Artist.create(name='name1', albums=['album11', 'album12'])

For selecting artists with no albums the SQL query may be

>> SELECT * FROM artist WHERE albums = '{}';

 id | name  | albums 
  2 | name2 | {}

or for selecting artists with specific name

>> SELECT * FROM artist WHERE name = 'name1';

 id | name  |      albums       
  1 | name1 | {album11,album12}

But when I try to achieve it with Peewee I get the following results

res = == 'name1')
assert len(res) == 1 and res[0].name == 'name1'

res = == '{}')
assert len(res) == 0

The first query takes 'name1' as query parameter.

The second query takes playhouse.postgres_ext._Array object as query parameter.

I've looked at documentation on Postgres Extensions and did not find anything suitable.

Could someone explain what am I doing wrong and how to select data with empty array field?


  • You can drop into raw SQL to work around this limitation:

    res ="albums = '{}'"))