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polymer-build fails when runs analyzer first

Build task fails, after PR #77 which made polymer-build to run polymer-analyzer on project.sources(). I am using nunjucks to pre-render my templates, that's why analyzer fails.

    is: 'my-app',
    properties: {
        page: {
            type: String,
            reflectToAttribute: true
        pages: {
            type: Array,
            value: {$ pages | dump | safe $}  // fails here

My gulp task looks like:

return project.sources()
.pipe(gulpif('**/*.{html,js,json}', template.compile(Object.assign({}, metadata, resources))))

Can I disable or postpone (preferable) analyzer?

My repository:


  • I have found a solution. Doesn't seem perfect but works. The build is divided into 3 steps:

    Compiling with nunjucks into .temp directory basing on PolymerJson

    return gulp.src([
    ], {base: '.'})
    .pipe(gulpif(/\.(html|js|json)$/, nunjucks.compile(metadata, {
      tags: {
        variableStart: '{$',
        variableEnd: '$}'
    .pipe(gulpif(/\.(html|js)$/, replace('bower_components', '../bower_components')))

    Optimizing and building the project

    let polymerProject = null;
    console.log(`Deleting ${} and ${config.tempDirectory} directories...`);
    del([, config.tempDirectory])
      .then(() => {
        console.log(`Compiling template...`);
        const compileStream = template.compile(config, polymerJson)
          .on('end', () => {
            polymerProject = new polymerBuild.PolymerProject(buildPolymerJson);
        return waitFor(compileStream);
      .then(() => {
        console.log(`Polymer building...`);
        const sourcesStream = polymerProject.sources()
          // splitHtml doesn't split CSS
          .pipe(gulpif(/\.js$/, uglify()))
          .pipe(gulpif(/\.(html|css)$/, cssSlam()))
          .pipe(gulpif(/\.html$/, html.minify()))
          .pipe(gulpif(/\.(png|gif|jpg|svg)$/, images.minify()))

    Don't forget to move files from build/.temp directory:

    return gulp.src(`${}/${config.tempDirectory}/**/*`,
    {base: `${}/${config.tempDirectory}`})
    .pipe(gulpif(/\.(html|js)$/, replace('../bower_components', 'bower_components')))
    .pipe(gulpif(/\.(html|js)$/, replace('/.temp', '')))

    Here is full gulpfile.js