In my app I'm using torann/currency to fetch Yahoo Finance exchange rates. When using their official documentation adding and updating currencies works perfectly in Local development ENV, for which MySQL is used.
App is deployed to Heroku, and there DB environment is PostgreSQL. So when I try to use php artisan currency:manage add USD
, I get the following error: invalid input syntax for integer
DB Schema for that table is:
Schema::create($this->table_name, function ($table) {
$table->string('code', 10)->index();
$table->string('symbol', 25);
$table->string('format', 50);
I tried everything that I could think of; tried to change all types in schema, tried to change blueprints etc. But either I get some different type of error, or I'm back where I started. Guessing that my lack of postgres knowledge is the main issue, and eventually I'll learn it, though I am hoping someone will know the answer to my q.
This is a bug in the package's Database driver that assumes non-strict SQL behavior.