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Hibernate ManyToMany Relation with common foreign key

I try to implement the same problem as mentioned here some years ago: Hibernate many to many with a composite key with one field shared on either side of the relationship

I have a Menu and an Item class and want to implement a unidirectional relation that a menu saves all the items it contains.

Menu and Item both have composite keys out of the merchant_id foreign key and an auto incremental itemId/menuId. (EER Diagram Image)

Because Hibernate can not retrieve the auto generated Id when I declare a composite key and the Id is unique in the system, I save the entities without an extra embeddedId PKClass:

 public class Item extends AbstractTimestampEntity{
    @Column(name="itemId", nullable=false)
    private long itemId;
    @JoinColumn(name="merchantId", nullable=false)
    private Merchant merchant;
    @Column(name="name", length=45)
    private String name;
    @Column(name="description" , length=200)
    private String description;
    private double price;

    public Item(){} // getters & setters

public class Menu {
    @Column(name="menuId", nullable=false)
    private long menuId;
    @JoinColumn(name="merchantId", nullable=false)
    private Merchant merchant;
    @Column(name="name", length=45)
    private String name;
    @JoinTable(name="MENU_ITEM", joinColumns = {
        @JoinColumn(name="menuId", nullable=false, updatable=false)},
        //@JoinColumn(name="merchant.merchantId", nullable=false, updatable=false)},
        inverseJoinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name="itemId", nullable=false, updatable=false)})
        //                     @JoinColumn(name="merchantId", nullable=false, updatable=false)})
    private List<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>(); // constructor, getters & setters

As you can see from the commented code, here is the point were my question comes in. How do I map the entities now the best without modifying my normalized database table? (They need to have the same merchant to be validated in the database)


  • I suspect you may want something like this:

        `merchant_id` INT NOT NULL,
        `menu_id` INT NOT NULL,
        `item_id` INT NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (`merchant_id`, `menu_id`, `item_id`),
        INDEX `ix_menuitem_item` (`item_id`, `merchant_id`),
        INDEX `ix_menuitem_menu` (`menu_id`, `merchant_id`),
        INDEX `ix_menuitem_merchant` (`merchant_id`),
        CONSTRAINT `fk_menuitem_merchant`
            FOREIGN KEY (`merchant_id`)
            REFERENCES `merchant` (`id`),
        CONSTRAINT `fk_menuitem_menu`
            FOREIGN KEY (`menu_id`, `merchant_id`)
            REFERENCES `menu` (`id`, `merchant_id`),
        CONSTRAINT `fk_menuitem_item`
            FOREIGN KEY (`item_id`, `merchant_id`)
            REFERENCES `item` (`id`, `merchant_id`)

    but, unfortunately, this is impossible.

    One column may be used in at most 1 foreign key, in this case MENU_ITEM.merchant_id is used 3 times (at most 2, removing fk_menuitem_merchant).

    So, you may want something equivalent:

        `merchant_id` INT NOT NULL,
        `menu_id` INT NOT NULL,
        `menu_merchant_id` INT NOT NULL,
        `item_id` INT NOT NULL,
        `item_merchant_id` INT NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (`merchant_id`, `menu_id`, `item_id`),
        INDEX `ix_menuitem_item` (`item_id`, `merchant_id`),
        INDEX `ix_menuitem_menu` (`menu_id`, `merchant_id`),
        INDEX `ix_menuitem_merchant` (`merchant_id`),
        CONSTRAINT `fk_menuitem_merchant`
            FOREIGN KEY (`merchant_id`)
            REFERENCES `merchant` (`id`),
        CONSTRAINT `fk_menuitem_menu`
            FOREIGN KEY (`menu_id`, `menu_merchant_id`)
            REFERENCES `menu` (`id`, `merchant_id`),
        CONSTRAINT `fk_menuitem_item`
            FOREIGN KEY (`item_id`, `item_merchant_id`)
            REFERENCES `item` (`id`, `merchant_id`),
        CHECK (`merchant_id` = `menu_merchant_id`),
        CHECK (`merchant_id` = `item_merchant_id`)

    but, unfortunately again, MySQL doesn't support CHECK.

    As you can see, this is not a ORM problem.

    So, you have two choices:

    1. implement some trigger to simulate CHECK (see here)
    2. let the application do the check:

      public class Menu
          protected class ItemList extends AbstractList<Item>
              protected ArrayList<Item> list;
              public ItemList()
                  list = new ArrayList<>();
              public ItemList(Collection<? extends Item> c)
                  list = new ArrayList<>(c.size());
              public boolean add(Item item)
                  if(!Objects.equals(merchant, item.merchant))
                      throw new IllegalArgumentException();
                      // or return false;
                  return list.add(item);
              public Item get(int index)
                  return list.get(index);
              public int size()
                  return list.size();
          @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
          @Column(name = "id", nullable = false)
          protected long id;
          @JoinColumn(name = "merchant_id", nullable = false)
          protected Merchant merchant;
          @Column(name = "name", length = 45)
          protected String name;
          @JoinTable(name = "MENU_ITEM",
              joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "menu_id"),
              inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "item_id"))
          protected List<Item> items = new ItemList();
          public List<Item> getItems()
              return items;
          public void setItems(List<Item> items)
              this.items = new ItemList(items);