I am trying to save the state of a game in an xml file, so that it can be restored when the player loads the game. I am brand new to xml, but I did manage to succesfully store the state of the game in an xml file using the XmlWriter
. The problem comes when I try to read this file.
Here is the begin of the file as it is created by my program:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<level width="25" height="25">
<tile type="ROOM" />
<tile type="ROOM" />
<tile type="ROOM" />
<tile type="ROOM" />
<tile type="ROOM" />
<!-- More tiles and rows are defined, but the file is somewhat large to entirely copy-paste here-->
The elements are closed at the end of the file as it should. Now I try to read the data from this file using an XmlReader object:
public void LoadFromFile()
XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
settings.IgnoreWhitespace = true;
settings.IgnoreComments = true;
using(XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(new StreamReader("Content/Saves/SaveFile.xml", Encoding.UTF8), settings))
int w = int.Parse(reader.Value);
int h = int.Parse(reader.Value);
// More to be read when I understand this first part.
The exception I keep getting is that width attribute either has the value null
or has the wrong format.
1: I didn't use the reader.MoveToContent()
method before, and I discovered that the reader did not read to "level" when I executed reader.ReadStartElement()
. The reader had no value. 2: After adding the reader.MoveToContent()
method, it did find the level element. However, when I used reader.GetAttribute("width")
, I did not get the width attribute, but a whitespace. Therefore, 3: I added settings.IgnoreWhitespace = true
. I don't get a whitespace anymore, but something even stranger. I did not read the "width" attribute, but the "count" element.
These are the values that the reader had for each point in previous paragraph(Read from visual studio debug window):
1: {None}
2: {Whitespace, Value="\n "}
3: {Element, Value="count"}
I expected that point 3 would give me something like: {Attribute, Value="width"} or something similar.
Why does the reader not read the attribute, but the next element? Can someone give me an easy step-by-step example of how one should read Attributes and content from an xml file?
I try to keep things as simple as possible, since I have too little time to learn all concepts for xml. I got very confused when reading about Nodes and NodeReaders, so if possible, I would like to avoid them. Just Attributes, Elements and Content.
After you execute reader.ReadStartElement("level")
your reader moves to the next element after "level", to the "count", that doesn't have expected attributes. (look here for the docu: https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/y7e4769a(v=vs.110).aspx) If you want to do serialization this way, just remvoe this line:
using(XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(new StreamReader("Content/Saves/SaveFile.xml", Encoding.UTF8), settings))
int w = int.Parse(reader.Value);
int h = int.Parse(reader.Value);