I tried to run my python code on the real drone but I am getting the below error and the drone is not flying.
Unable to initiate TCP/IP socket to kathirdrone-VirtualBox:55800 (http://kathirdrone-VirtualBox:45968/):
TransportInitError: remote error reported: received a connection for a nonexistent topic [/clock] from [TCPROS connection on port 55800 to [ on socket 8]] [/forward]
Drone is flying in tumsimulator perfectly with roslaunch cvg_sim_gazebo ardrone_testworld.launch.
My package structure is this. catkin_ws / src / mycode / scripts / DroneFly.py
How can I fix it ?
Issue was with the launch file.
roslaunch ardrone_autonomy ardrone.launch
After the above command, connection is made.
And rosrun mycode
It works finally and the drone is flying