I am using vb.net to read a text file and see if a record matched, and to pick out that record and write it to excel.
However with the peek loop it reads the file until the end of it. I have 2 peek loop - the outer peek loop looks for the item, the inner loop search to find it.
Can the peek loop stop, and continue where the outer loop stop ? This is an example of my code. I did a for loop outside both search loop to continue where the outer loop stops however is not right that way either. Thanks
For i = 1 To t_idex
rder.BaseStream.Seek(0, IO.SeekOrigin.Begin)
Do While rder.Peek() >= 0
line = rder.ReadLine()
r_idx += 1
st_outer += 1
m = Mid(line, 3, 7)
P = Mid(line, 19, 7)
b= Trim(Mid(line, 34, 14))
If Len(b) = 14 Then
Do While rder.Peek() >= 0
line2 = rder.ReadLine()
m2 = Mid(line2, 3, 7)
P2 = Mid(line2, 19, 7)
b2 = Trim(Mid(line2, 34, 14))
If b = b2 Then
cnt_dups += 1
End If
r_idx += 1
End If
i = st_outer
See what this does for you....
Dim Lines() As String = File.ReadAllLines("SomeTextFile.txt")
For LineIndex = 0 To Lines.GetUpperBound(0)
Dim Match1 As String = Mid(Lines(LineIndex).Trim, 34, 14)
If Match1.Length = 14 Then
For Each RemainingLine As String In Lines.Skip(LineIndex + 1)
Dim Match2 As String = Mid(RemainingLine.Trim, 34, 14)
If Match1 = Match2 Then
' We have a duplicate...
' Resume outer loop
' Comment this line to find all duplicates
' Uncomment this line to short-circuit exit upon finding
' the first duplicate
Exit For
End If
End If