Search code examples

Are there any nosql database could do search(like lucene) on map/reduce

I'm using cloudant which I could use mapreduce to project view of data and also it could search document with lucene

But these 2 feature is separate and cannot be used together

Suppose I make a game with userdata like this

    name: ""

Each user has item. Then I want to let user find all swords with quality +10. With cloudant I might project type and quality as key and use query key=["sword",10]

But it cannot make query more complex than that like lucene could do. To do lucene I need to normalize all items to be document and reference it with owner

I really wish I could do a lucene search on a key of data projection. I mean, instead of normalization, I could store nested document as I want and use map/reduce to project data inside document so I could search for items directly

PS. If that database has partial update by scripting and inherently has transaction update feature that would be the best


  • I'd suggest trying out elasticsearch.

    Seems like your use case should be covered by the search api

    If you need to do more complex analytics elasticsearch supports aggregations.