How to specify a directory for scons to store all the .o(intermediate) files?
My question is: what's the way to set something like a global flag, so that each 'Object' command will generate .o files in a solid directory, and 'Program' command will generate in some other directory? I don't wish to have some variables so that each 'Object' and 'Program' command will explicitly use this variable: it's ugly and coupled. I just wish to have something like a compile hook.
For example, I've got a testSystem.cpp, and in SConstruct I have:
Then scons will first compile a testSystem.o file, and link to a testSystem executible.
I know I can explicitly specify where where the binary file is stored:
Well, the object file is still under current directory. I can do this:
Now I have .o under ./obj and executible under ./bin. No problem.
But, this means for each file, I've to manually write 2 lines, 1 line to tell scons to generate the object file under ./obj, another line to generate the file under ./bin. If I wish to reorganize my whole project, I've to modify all my SConstruct/SConscript files. I've got a big project and don't want to do this.
Any hints? How to do this with scons?
Sort of.
SCons supports VariantDir's which allow separating the source from the build product.
Take a look at: