I'm trying add some modifications to this script. This method is given:
(defn- emit-class!
[[class fields]]
(let [vals {:view? (:view? class)
:type (if (:view? class) "View" "Object")
:package (:package class)
:name (str (:dollar-name class) Icepick/SUFFIX)
:target (:dotted-name class)
:parent (if-let [parent (:qualified-parent-name class)]
(str parent Icepick/SUFFIX)
(if (:view? class) "View" "Object"))
:fields fields}
file-name (str (:package class) "." (:dollar-name class) Icepick/SUFFIX)
file-object (file-object file-name (:element class))]
(doto (.openWriter file-object)
(.write (mustache/render-string template vals))
As far as I understand this code fields
is a list containing maps. If I print the content with
(doseq [fff fields
[k v] fff]
(info (str k " " fff)))
Then I get this content
:name "counterAlt",
:package "com.some.package",
:dotted-name "DemoPresenter",
:dollar-name "DemoPresenter",
:annote (#object[com.sun.tools.javac.code.Attribute$Compound 0x6054b6e "@com.Bla"]),
:elem #object[com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol$ClassSymbol 0x21312e84 "com.evernote.android.common.demo.DemoPresenter"],
:view? false,
:qualified-parent-name nil
:bundler false,
:method "Int"
What I'm trying to do is to add another value called fieldsCapitalize
to the vals
variable, where the maps in the list are exactly the same, but only the name
is capitalized. In this sample counterAlt
should become CounterAlt
I have a working capitalize function, but I'm unable to create another list with the updated maps. What's the best way to achieve this in this function?
I finally found a way, not sure if it's best approach though
(defn capitalize [s]
(if (> (count s) 0)
(str (Character/toUpperCase (.charAt s 0))
(subs s 1))
(defn myfunc [m] (assoc m :name (capitalize (get m :name))))
(defn- emit-class!
[[class fields]]
(let [vals {:view? (:view? class)
:type (if (:view? class) "View" "Object")
:package (:package class)
:name (str (:dollar-name class) Icepick/SUFFIX)
:target (:dotted-name class)
:parent (if-let [parent (:qualified-parent-name class)]
(str parent Icepick/SUFFIX)
(if (:view? class) "View" "Object"))
:fields fields
:cap (map myfunc fields)}
file-name (str (:package class) "." (:dollar-name class) Icepick/SUFFIX)
file-object (file-object file-name (:element class))]
(doto (.openWriter file-object)
(.write (mustache/render-string template vals))