I make $http.get
call to back-end where I process data and return a result, and I want to assign property to this
dynamically (the property is declared in data list):
watch: {
send_amount: function() {
receive_amount: function() {
methods: {
updateAmount: function(_par) {
var vVar = this;
this.$http.get('http://www.website.dev/api/calculate', { params: { rec: _par } })
.then(function(response) {
_results = JSON.parse(response.data);
$.each(_results, function(k, v) {
vVar[k] = v; // << this causes the $http.get request to be sent over and over, infinitely.
As you don't want to call updateAmount
method when the variables are changed programatically, You can instead remove the watch and use v-on:change
in the input fields of these variables, like following:
<input v-model="receive_amount" v-on:change"updateAmount" />