I was thinking about still life generator (it doesn't need to be strict). The code should be as simple as possible. I came up with this idea: Firstly I generate random matrix and then iterate though every element and check this two rules: 1. Live cell must have either 2 or 3 live neighbors. 2. Dead cell can have any number of live neighbors except 3. If cell doesn't satisfy this rules, I toggle it (if it was dead, I make it alive etc.) untill it meets those rules. Unfortunately if I change one cell another needs to be fixed and it takes forever to stabilize.
I know you could just make X iterations of game of life untill it is sort of stabilize but there will be some oscilators that you need to handle and detect.
The question is: How I can search for still life easier? Can you share some code/ideas how you do it?
Here is the code in matlab that I created according to my idea. The code is not working properly, especially the part where I'm trying to toggle the cell that meets the rules
% live cell must have either 2 or 3 live neighbors.
% dead cell can have any number of live neighbors except 3.
DIM = 20;
M = randi(2, DIM+1) - 1;
%zeros the bounds
M(1,:) = 0;
M(DIM,:) = 0;
M(:,1) = 0;
M(:,DIM) = 0;
for x = 2:length(M)
for y = 2:length(M)
%M = double((M & neighbours == 2) | neighbours == 3);
neighbours = conv2(M, [1 1 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 1], 'same'); % returns numbers of neighbours
if neighbours(x,y) == 1 || neighbours(x,y) == 0
M(x,y) = 0;
if M(x, y) == 1 && (neighbours(x,y) > 3) || M(x, y) == 0 && neighbours(x,y) == 3 % still life
if M(x,y)
todel = neighbours(x, y)-3;
todel = 1;
while todel
a = randi(3, 1) - 2; % randomly choose cell to toggle
b = randi(3, 1) - 2;
if (a || b)
M(x+a, y+b) = ~M(x+a, y+b); % toggle cell
sprintf('(%d, %d);;(%d, %d)',x, y, x+a, y+b)
neighbours = conv2(M, [1 1 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 1], 'same'); % returns numbers of neighbours
if ((M(x, y) == 1 && (neighbours(x,y) == 2 || neighbours(x,y) == 3)) || (M(x, y) == 0 && neighbours(x,y) ~= 3)) % still life
todel = todel-1;
M(1,:) = 0;
M(DIM,:) = 0;
M(:,1) = 0;
M(:,DIM) = 0;
imshow(M, 'InitialMagnification', 1000);
Have an NxN board, and set to random pixels. Then score the board with +1 for each pixel that changes. Then make a random mutation, if score goes up, reject it, if score goes down, accept. Realistically you'll probably have to use simulated annealing.
or there are other search stratagems. Eventually you should get a change == 0. The snag I can see is that this might be the trivial "dead" life.