I'm trying to write a loop for every 10 minutes of a given 24 hour day, starting at midnight and ending at ten minutes before midnight. So I tried this...
let x = Calendar.current.component(.year, from: Date())
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
let june = dateFormatter.date(from: "21-06-" + String(x))
The result for june
is "2017-06-21 04:00:00 UTC". Now technically this is correct, my local day will be 4 AM UTZ, but the code I'm passing this into, from the Astronomical Almanac, already handles local/global conversion.
So then I tried this:
var UTZCal = Calendar.current
UTZCal.timeZone = TimeZone(abbreviation: "GMT")!
let x = UTZCal.component(.year, from: Date())
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.calendar = UTZCal
let june = dateFormatter.date(from: "21-06-" + String(x))
This produced the exact same result. What am I missing?
It seems that the date formatter does not use the timezone of the assigned calendar, and adding
dateFormatter.timeZone = UTZCal.timeZone
to your code makes it produce the expected result. But note that you can simplify the calculation to
var utzCal = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian)
utzCal.timeZone = TimeZone(secondsFromGMT: 0)!
let year = utzCal.component(.year, from: Date())
let june = DateComponents(calendar: utzCal, year: year, month: 6, day: 21).date!
print(june) // 2017-06-21 00:00:00 +0000