I am currently in the process of building an REST API with flask-security. Fortunately flask-security has a lot of views and templates, which i won't need in my case. I am obviously not able to override them by reimplementing e.g. @app.route('/login')
with my own logic.
So the simple question is, how do i disable all the views from flask-security which returns a template?
I don't think that you can disable directly because none of the flask exposed APIs have disabled state. You can customize the views like this below sample:
Here is the link for reference: Flask Security
security = Security(app, user_datastore)
# This processor is added to all templates
def security_context_processor():
return dict(hello="world")
# This processor is added to only the register view
def security_register_processor():
return dict(something="else")
Hope it helps.