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What is the difference between scala StrictLogging and Lazylogging?

Consider the below code which uses scala logging:

class MyClass extends LazyLogging {
  logger.debug("This is very convenient")

What is the difference if I use StrictLogging instead? When should I use which?

Edit: I know what lazy is. But I am unable to get it from logging perspective and how does it differ from its functionality when compared to strict logging. This is so that I can understand when to use which one.


  • I'm assuming you're refering to typesafes scala-logging library. The difference is only in the way logger is defined by the underlying logger, it can either be defined as a normal value, or a lazy value, meaning:

    trait LazyLogging {
      @volatile protected lazy val logger: Logger =


    trait StrictLogging {
      protected val logger: Logger =