I am trying to figure out how I can get database information involving the email column, make an array with all of the emails and then use the "button" feature to populate the "To:" part of an email page.
Any help is appreciated. Very new at this and pointing me on where to get the info would be great. Thanks
I recommend you to run a server script that would query the datasource that has the emails. The script will look something like this:
function getEmails(){
var query = app.models.<yourmodel>.newQuery();
var results = query.run();
var allEmails = [];
if(results.length > 0){
for(var i = 0; i < results.length; i++){
var uniqueEmail = results[i].<emailfieldname>;
return allEmails.join();
Then add a script to the button widget "onclick" event that will run the server script and manipulate the returned data. Something similar to this:
function poulateToField(response){
<widget path>.text/value = response;
The above widget path would be the path to the "To:" widget, which can be a text box, text area, etc. In my case, I used a text area and the path was this "widget.parent.descendants.TextArea1.value"
I hope this helps. If you have more questions, just let me know! :)
P.D. Please don't forget to review the official documentation for a better and more detailed explanation.