When I start an SML REPL and put in
print("floor is : " ^ (Int.toString (floor 3.1823)) ^ "\n");
I get
floor is : 3
val it = () : unit
i.e., expected behavior. But when I do the same thing in an Emacs org-mode source block:
#+name: sml_test
#+begin_src sml :exports both
print("floor is : " ^ (Int.toString (floor 3.1823)) ^ "\n");
I get the cryptic (for me)
#+RESULTS: sml_test
: val it = "stdIn" : string
Does anyone from the ML world know what this could mean?
This is probably a bug in ob-sml. If you visit the *sml* buffer, and do C-c C-c on the source block, the sml REPL gets this input:
print("floor is : " ^ (Int.toString (floor 3.1823)) ^ "\n");
; "stdIn";
Note the extra "stdIn" there. Also if you set :results output
on the block, you should get the standard output of the block, but I get the same thing as with the default :results value
setting (and the same thing you get: the cryptic thing which I guess is the result of that spurious "stdIn" - I should say that I know nothing about ML, so take all this with the appropriately sized grain of salt). I would open an issue on the ob-sml github project.