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Pattern for cancel methods in a class

public class Foo : Collection<string>
  bool _cancel = false;
  public void AddWithoutDoingStuff(string item)
    _cancel = true;
    _cancel = false;
  protected override void InsertItem(int index, string item)
    base.InsertItem(index, item);
    if (!_cancel)
      //Do some stuff

I wonder if there is a pattern to avoid this ugly _cancel member? I found something here: Temporarily stop form events from either being raised or being handled? But this only works with events.

Edit Sorry I did not express myself well. This is just a example. The explicit base class doesn't matter. What I'm want to ask for is a general solution to avoid the _cancel variable in this case. I don't like the method AddWithoutDoingStuff as it is in this example. It is not save in case of errors, so I have to do something like that:

  _cancel = true;
  _cancel = false;

It is also not threat save.


  • You cannot override the way Add method works. And it just calls InsertItem without any additional parameters. That mean the only way to have some additional parameters inside InserItem is passing them via class fields (your solution).

    But if you will not call base Add method you can control what is done or not done before/after inserting item

    public class Foo : Collection<string>
        public void AddWithoutDoingStuff(string item)
            if (Items.IsReadOnly())
               throw new NotSupportedException();
            base.InsertItem(Count, item);
        protected override void InsertItem(int index, string item)
            base.InsertItem(index, item);
            // Do Some Stuff

    NOTE: Unfortunately checking whether internal Items is readonly done in Add method of base class. And there is no verification in InsertItem method. So it would be nice if you'll do same check.