If PartialFunction is a trait, then how does this code work? Are we creating an object of the trait?
def x=new PartialFunction[Any, Unit] {
def isDefinedAt(x: Any) = x match {
case "hello" => true
case "world" => true
case _=> false
def apply(x: Any) = x match {
case "hello" => println("Message received hello")
case "world"=> println("Message received world")
if (x.isDefinedAt("bye") ){ x("bye")}
Read about anonymous instance creation.
For example consider
trait Runnable {
def run: Unit
There are two ways to create an object of Runnable
Create a class Foo
which extends Runnable and create instance of Foo
class Foo extends Runnable {
def run: Unit = println("foo")
val a: Runnable = new Foo()
Create an anonymous instance of Runnable (you need not create a intermediate class (something like Foo
)). This quite handy
val a: Runnable = new Runnable {
override def run: Unit = println("foo")
} //no need to create an intermediate class.
Its the same case with PartialFunction
Including the comment of @Tzach Zohar
You are creating an anonymous implementation of the trait - just like creating an anonymous implementation of an interface in Java. – Tzach Zohar