I have committed a lot of changes into my local repository but I want to push only few of them. Is it possible? I have a list (before push) with all my changes, but I need to push only few. I would like to revert all this changes from my local repostitory. I created patches with only changes I want to push but now I cannot remove changes from my local repo.
I tried to use git reset hard
but it does not work as I want.
If you really, really just want to delete unwanted commits, then do
git rebase -i <sha_of_commit_before_those_that_are_unwanted>
and then delete lines with commits you want to get rid of.
However, bear in mind that those commit will disappear and getting them back might not be possible. Maybe push those commits to a temporary remote branch first, or make a local branch with them?
Now that you've gotten rid of your commits, you can do a simple git push origin branch