Hello i have an android application , in which i want a video chat functionality , i searched a lot on internet but couldnot find any working and simple solution to this , then i found hangout api ,
now i want to add hangout video call feature to my own application but i cannot find where to get started .
All i want is from my own android application i want to initiate any third party application for video call . and get back to my own application when video call is done
how can i acheive this ?
i have my application codes , but sharing them here will make it complex , any guide to get started , i shall be thankfull
You may would like to try AppRTC
roomConnectionParameters = new RoomConnectionParameters(roomUri.toString(), roomId, loopback);
FragmentTransaction ft = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
ft.add(R.id.call_fragment_container, callFragment);
ft.add(R.id.hud_fragment_container, hudFragment);
peerConnectionClient = PeerConnectionClient.getInstance();
if (loopback) {
PeerConnectionFactory.Options options = new PeerConnectionFactory.Options();
options.networkIgnoreMask = 0;