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Deform2 multiselect with remote data source

I'm looking to have a form that has a field type multiselect using deform (as into this example but with choices coming from a remote data source (json call).

What will be the best way to implement it - is it possible with deform2 or should I just fall back to jquery etc.



  • It is definitely easier to populate the selection values on the server-side You can do this using colander deferred to set the values for the choice field:

    def deferred_choices_widget(node, kw):
        choices = kw.get('choices')
        return deform.widget.SelectWidget(values=choices)
    def deferred_default(node, kw):
        return kw['default']
    class Schema(colander.Schema):
        pepper = colander.SchemaNode(
    def view(request):            
        # choices = (
        #    ('', '- Select -'),
        #    ('habanero', 'Habanero'),
        #    ('jalapeno', 'Jalapeno'),
        #    ('chipotle', 'Chipotle')
        #    )
        choices = load_data_from_some_api()
        schema = Schema().bind(choices=choices, default='jalapeno')
        form = deform.Form(schema, buttons=('submit',))
        return self.render_form(form)

    However, to make it fast, you probably want to have some sort of cache. Usually a good pattern is

    • Have a scheduled task (Celery) to fetch values from the API e.g. once in 60 minutes and store them in database

    • Your view code doesn't perform any time expensive API calls, but always populates the values directly from the database

    Deform example