I'm trying to figure out how to query a custom object that is related to opportunities.
The object name is McaApp__Offer__c The lookup field for that object is McaApp__Opportunity__c (master-detail)
This is what I have, but I'mk missing something as this object is not related to accounts, what do I need to change?
SELECT id, Name,
Select Id, Name From Opportunities ORDER BY Id DESC LIMIT 1
SELECT McaApp__Funder__c, McaApp__Status__c FROM McaApp__Offers__r WHERE McaApp__Opportunity__c = 'oppidxxx'
FROM Account
WHERE id = 'acctidxxx'
You can't query McaApp__Offer__c
from within Account
as there is no direct relationship. Account
< Opportunity
< McaApp__Offer__c
this is how it realted.
SOQL statements cannot query aggregate relationships more than 1 level away from the root entity object.
You can do like this.
SELECT Id, Name, AccountId,
(SELECT McaApp__Funder__c, McaApp__Status__c
FROM McaApp__Offers__r)
FROM Opportunity
WHERE AccountId = 'acctidxxx'