With A-Frame I'm not able to get autoplay="false" or loop="false" to work. The video plays automatically and loops anyway. I also tried the 'repeat' attribute from documentation, but that did not seem to work either: https://aframe.io/docs/0.4.0/primitives/a-video.html#attributes_repeat
How to get a video to not autoplay or loop in A-Frame?
<a-video position="0 3 -5" autoplay="false" loop="false"
material="shader:flat; side:double; transparent:true;"
geometry="mergeTo:null; primitive:circle; radius:3.0;">
Create a separate video element without autoplay/loop and reference it using an ID selector:
<video id="vid" src="a.mp4"></video>
<a-video src="#vid"></a-video>