For a while now, i have been trying to make my RFID reader to automatically read (scan) a card. Although the former code i had, makes the reader scan the card when a button is pressed. But i want to be able to scan cards automatically and continuously, once any card is placed in the field. Here is what i tried. but i was not able to display the scanned UID in a textbox. Please, your help will be appreciated.
class CardReader : IDisposable
IntPtr _pSnr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(1024);
private Thread _t;
private Action<string> _callback;
private volatile bool _stop;
public void ReadCard()
short icdev = 0x0000;
int status;
byte type = (byte)'A';//mifare one type is A
byte mode = 0x26; // Request the card which is not halted.
ushort TagType = 0;
byte bcnt = 0x04;//mifare hold on 4
IntPtr pSnr;
byte len = 255;
sbyte size = 0;
pSnr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(1024);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
status = rf_request(icdev, mode, ref TagType);//request card
if (status != 0)
status = rf_anticoll(icdev, bcnt, pSnr, ref len);//i did anticol--get the card sn
if (status != 0)
status = rf_select(icdev, pSnr, len, ref size);//select one card
if (status != 0)
byte[] szBytes = new byte[len];
for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
szBytes[j] = Marshal.ReadByte(pSnr, j);
String m_cardNo = String.Empty;
for (int q = 0; q < len; q++)
m_cardNo += byteHEX(szBytes[q]);
// txtSearchPurse.Text = m_cardNo;
public void Work()
while (!_stop)
public void Start(Action<string> cardRead)
if (_t != null)
_stop = false;
_callback = cardRead;
_t = new Thread(Work);
public void Stop()
if (_t != null)
_stop = true;
_t = null;
public void Dispose()
And i tried to use it like this:
private void btnRequest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var reader = new CardReader();
private void CardReaded(string cardnr){
//txtSearchPurse.Text = _callback;
Here is what i tried. but i was not able to display the scanned UID in a textbox.
So your callback successfully fired? What error, if any, did you get? I'm guessing you got a "cross thread exception". If so, fix it like this:
private void CardReaded(string cardnr)
txtSearchPurse.Text = cardnr;