In my code I have a query that looks like this:
$load_query = "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '{$file}' INTO TABLE `{$table}`
Here is an example row included in the file that I am trying to load:
You will notice that at the end of the example row there are quite a few spaces. These spaces all occur before the new line character "\n" that terminates the line. The problem is that these spaces get entered into the database.
How can I remove the additional spaces when running the LOAD DATA INFILE
command? Is there a way to use RTRIM
As ajreal suggested I had to re-prepare the file. After the file was prepared it was inserted into the database correctly. I modified the bash script found at: to accomplish this. The code is shown below:
for fl in *.txt; do
mv $fl $fl.old
sed 's/[ \t]*$//' $fl.old > $fl
rm -f $fl.old
dun think too complicate, right after u loaded the data
update $table set $last_column=rtrim($last_column);
or manually remove the space in the $file using vi
(or any editor)
or re-preapare the $file