I'm trying to build a saas application
(saas here means software as a service) in laravel 5.3. I'm trying to implement the view folder destination by extending the ViewServiceProvider
. For example I'm having two different themes for two different domains. I'm having the set of HTML code in views in different folders, something like this:
----| Theme One
--------| Navbar
--------| Sliders
--------| Tabs
--------| Parallax
--------| Iconbox
--------| template.blade.php
----| Theme Two
--------| Navbar
--------| Sliders
--------| Tabs
--------| Parallax
--------| Iconbox
--------| template.blade.php
Now I want to define folder structure dynamically for these domains so that it should show the modules of their respective theme. Like suppose if I want to include sub-view of Navbar I just have to write
and it should access the respective theme Navbar folder or sub-view. To implement this I'm extending the ViewServiceProvider
and in config/app.php
I'm just commenting out the ViewServiceProvider
and added the WebViewServiceProvider
which I made, it is not setting the destination, here is my code:
namespace Nitseditor\System\Providers;
use Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder;
use Illuminate\View\ViewServiceProvider;
use Nitseditor\System\Models\Domain;
class WebViewServiceProvider extends ViewServiceProvider
* Register View Folder
* @return void
public function registerViewFinder()
$this->app->bind('view.finder', function ($app) {
$paths = $app['config']['view.paths'];
$http_req = php_sapi_name() == 'cli' ? 'noetic.com' : $this->app['request']->server('HTTP_HOST');
$domainName = explode(":", $http_req)[0];
$domain = Domain::where('domain_name', $domainName)->first();
foreach ($domain->themes as $theme)
$paths = 'Nitseditor\System\Resources\Views\Themes\\' . $theme->theme_name;
return new FileViewFinder($app['files'], array(base_path($paths)));
My config\app.php looks like:
// Illuminate\View\ViewServiceProvider::class,
while executing and checking through controller I can see the destination paths of views are same as default
class DomainController extends Controller {
public function checkDomain()
$app = App::make('config');
well I tried executing without conditional statements it happens to be same.
public function registerViewFinder()
$this->app->bind('view.finder', function ($app) {
$paths = 'Nitseditor\System\Resources\Views\Themes\Themeone';
return new FileViewFinder($app['files'], array(base_path($paths)));
Help me out with this.
Well I kept on trying to die dump the code and tried checking $app
array. I guess when I try doing App::make::('config')
laravel collects information from the configuration files and shows the configuration array of app in which dynamic configuration are not being displayed.
Then I simply tried checking my views:
return view('template');
It displayed the blade file/views exactly what I required, well it might help someone. Don't panic with
$app = App::make('config');