I am using Delphi 10 with TChart, TPointSeries, horizontal scrolling, and currently there is too much data (100 curves, each of them contains many thousands of points) loaded from PostgreSQL database.
- Is it possible to load from database (with LIMIT and OFFSET) only the data which needs to be displayed in current scrolling "window" of TChart?
You can do this manually looping the data and calling Add()
Then, at OnScroll
event you can remove points that are out/far from the axes range and add those in/next to the axis range.
- Is there some "Data needed" event that fires when I scroll to region with no data?
No. You should use OnScroll
event and check it yourself.
An example of what could be done is provided below:
constructor TForm1.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
chart.OnScroll := chartScroll;
chart.OnZoom := chartZoom;
procedure TForm1.displayRange();
var startDate, endDate: TDateTime;
startDate := TDateTime(chart.BottomAxis.Minimum);
endDate := TDateTime(chart.BottomAxis.Maximum);
Log(Format('start=%d, end=%d', [
FindClosestIndex(startDate, chart.Series[0].XValues),
FindClosestIndex(endDate, chart.Series[0].XValues)
procedure TForm1.chartScroll(Sender: TObject);
procedure TForm1.chartZoom(Sender: TObject);
An example of FindClosestIndex could be taken here.
End of update
- Is it possible to inform TChart how much points I have without loading all this points?
No, but you can maintain variables doing it.
- Is it possible to have all the curves' descriptions in Legend with loading actual data to chart only when I check the corresponding checkboxes in legend? I do not want that Chart displays all the series available in database but want it to show in legend all the available series. When user clicks at particular series in legend, corresponding series data will be loaded and represented as curve.
You can use OnCLickLegend
event and loop your series. At this moment the Active
property of the series is up to date so you can Clear
those that are not Active
and you can Add
points to those that are Active