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C++ equivalent of C# 4.0's "dynamic" keyword?

In C# 4.0, you can use the "dynamic" keyword as a placeholder for a type that is not known until runtime. There are certain corner cases where this is extremely useful behavior. Is it possible to emulate anything like this in C++, possibly using C++0x features or RTTI?


  • Not really. The closest you can get is a void *, but you still need to cast it to an appropriate type before you can use it.


    Trying to build a duck-typed DSL that compiles to C++, basically.

    You can go about this in at least two ways:

    Union-based variant

    struct MyType {
      enum { NUMBER, STRING /* etc */ } type;
      union {
        double number;
        string str;

    Polymorphic class heirarchy

    class MyType {
      /* define pure virtual operations common to all types */
    class MyNumber : public MyType {
      double number;
      /* implement operations for this type */