I have a temp table which has a TableName column. I would like to loop through the temporary table and select everything in the the table (where table is the TableName column in the temp table).
I have been looking through the following link and related links however I am unable to adapt it to my needs. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I am using SQL Server 2014
Something which i have tried
Declare @id int WHILE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM ##tt_tableList) BEGIN Select Top 1 @id = Id from ##tt_tableList
-- Do the work --
declare @query nvarchar(max)
set @query = 'Select * from (select TableName from ##tt_tablelist where id = '' +Cast(@id as nvarchar(50))+'')'
select @query
declare @tableName nvarchar(50)
set @tableName = (select TableName from ##tt_tableList where id = @id)
select @tableName
-- Scrap the ID and Move On --
Delete ##tt_tableList where ID = @id
If I understood you correctly this is what you are asking for:
DECLARE @tbl table (TableName varchar(50))
insert into @tbl values ('SomeTableName')
insert into @tbl values ('AnotherTableName')
SELECT @Tables = COALESCE(@Tables + CHAR(13), '') + 'SELECT * FROM '+ TableName
FROM @tbl
Just insert your table names in @tbl