I'm working on a software which contains combobox with a lot of items inside, the problem is when I click on it the list is too large and I can't see all of the items by scrolling on it.
The style cleanlooks is used (that's why the combobox have a too large size) but I can't change it so I'm looking for a solution to set a maximum size.
I found nothing about this on the web, neither in the documentation.
I tried to use the size policy but doesn't work. I also tried to get the QLineEdit used by the combobox and to set a QSize on it and finally to by setting stylesheet on the combobox and on the QLineEdit but nothing worked properly.
What I tried with the QSize and the stylesheet :
sz = QSize(20, 20)
combo.view().setStyleSheet("""QListView { max-height: 50px; background-color: yellow; } """)
combo.setStyleSheet("""QComboBox { max-height: 30px; background-color: pink; } """)
EDIT: After the comment of @Vladimir Bershov I tried to set correctly the size with : setMaxVisibleItems() but as said in the doc ("Note: This property is ignored for non-editable comboboxes in styles that returns true for QStyle::SH_ComboBox_Popup") the property is ignored.
So I looked for modify the QStyle Hint to unset the SH_ComboBox_Popup but as explained on this post that's impossible.
If you have any suggestions I'm listening.
Like explained in the comments there's no available solutions in PyQt4