I'm using unboundid-ldapsdk-3.1.1 and trying to iterate through entries using SimplePagedResultsControl
Here is the snippet that I'm using:
searchRequest = new SearchRequest(dn, scope.getLdapSearchScope(), filter);
ASN1OctetString resumeCookie = null;
while (true)
searchRequest.setControls(new Control[] { new SimplePagedResultsControl(searchLimit, resumeCookie) });
setControls(searchRequest, controls);
searchResult = getConnectionPool().search(searchRequest);
totalEntriesReturned += searchResult.getEntryCount();
for (SearchResultEntry e : searchResult.getSearchEntries()) {
// Do something with each entry...
LDAPTestUtils.assertHasControl(searchResult, SimplePagedResultsControl.PAGED_RESULTS_OID);
try {
SimplePagedResultsControl responseControl = SimplePagedResultsControl.get(searchResult);
if (responseControl.moreResultsToReturn())
resumeCookie = responseControl.getCookie();
} catch (LDAPException ex) {
log.error("Error while accessing cookies" + ex.getMessage());
I keep getting error, when total entries is 100 and searchLimit is 100:
At first iteration responseControl.moreResultsToReturn()
returns true
, and at second iteration getConnectionPool().search(searchRequest);
throws the LDAPSearchException(resultCode=2 (protocol error), numEntries=0, numReferences=0, errorMessage='paged results cookie is invalid')
What could be wrong with my code?
The connection pool typically has multiple connections and may not return the same connection where the initial paged search result request was issued. The solution is