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How to change the page size of the "latestPage" by using setLatestPageSize()?

tfs = vim.TaskFilterSpec()
task_collector = si.RetrieveContent().taskManager.CreateCollectorForTasks(tfs)
len(task_collector.latestPage) #10

i created a collector for tasks,but the latestPage length just 10,how can i change the page size by using setLatestPageSize method?


  • You can set the LatestPageSize by modifying the Service's SetCollectorPageSize object.
    For example, here I set my CollectorPageSize to 500, so the service object, updates the eventHistory collector's page size from the default which is 10 I believe.

    Here is my code is in C#, can totally relate to yours,


    protected ServiceContent _serviceContent;
    protected VimPortType _service;    

    While creating the taskManager:

    ManagedObjectReference taskManager = _serviceContent.taskManager;
    ManagedObjectReference task_collector = _service.CreateCollectorForEvents(taskManager , taskFilter);
    _service.SetCollectorPageSize(task_collector , 500);

    I understand this was posted a year ago, but thought it could help someone else sometime since VMware's documentation is really terrible IMHO.