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How to get "damFolderPath" from a Node in AEM?

I'm using AEM 6.2 and trying to get the "damFolderPath" value from a Node's "jcr:content".


i tried these:

//resourcePath = "/content/projects/newyear-1"
Resource resource = resourceResolver.getResource(resourcePath);
Node tNode = resource.adaptTo(Node.class);
Property prop = tNode.getProperty("jcr:content/damFolderPath");"\n...Output 1:"+tNode.hasProperty("damFolderPath"));"\n...Output 2:"+prop.toString());

Output 1: false

Output 2: Property[PropertyDelegate{parent=/content/projects/newyear-1/kms/jcr:content: { jcr:primaryType = nt:unstructured, detailsHref = /projects/details.html, jcr:title = kms, active = true, cq:template = /apps/swa/projects/templates/default, damFolderPath = /content/dam/projects/newyear-1/kms, coverUrl = /content/dam/projects/newyear-1/kms/cover, sling:resourceType = cq/gui/components/projects/admin/card/projectcontent, links = { ... }, dashboard = { ... }}, property=damFolderPath = /content/dam/projects/newyear-1/kms}]

I can see it is there, but how do i get it from output2?


  • You can read the value without going as low as the JCR API level.

    From Sling's point of view, jcr:content is a resolvable Resource.

    String resourcePath = "/content/projects/newyear-1/jcr:content"
    Resource jcrContentResource = resourceResolver.getResource(resourcePath);
    ValueMap valueMap = jcrContentResource.getValueMap();
    String damFolderPath = valueMap.get("damFolderPath", String.class);

    If, for whatever reason, you insist on using the JCR API, the thing you see in Output 2 is a default String representation of a Property implementation (as returned by toString()).

    The Property interface allows you to obtain the property's value by using one of multiple, type-specific getters.


    will get you the path /content/dam/projects/newyear-1

    See also: getValue, getDouble, getBoolean, getDate, etc.