I am trying to update and modify a string field Django's ORM. The equivalent SQL to do this is:
UPDATE example_table SET string_field = REPLACE(string_field, 'old text', 'new text');
With that query, I expect old text
and old text more text
to be replaced with new text
and new text more text
respectively, for all the entries in the string_field
Bulk update() seems promising, but doesn't allow me to modify only part of the field, and F() expressions only implement numeric changes, not string replace. I also looked at using raw queries to run the above SQL, but that seems like a sideways hack (especially since F() exists to do the same functionality on numbers), and I couldn't get them to actually execute.
I ended up with this, but it seems a shame to execute all the extra queries when I know there's a one line SQL statement to do it.
for entry in ExampleModel.objects.all():
entry.string_field = entry.string_field.replace('old text', 'new text', 1)
Does this feature not exist in Django's ORM for strings yet? Is there something I overlooked in the docs?
Related SO questions:
Tested with django 1.9
from django.db.models import F, Func, Value
Value('old text'), Value('new text'),
UPDATE Django 2.1 https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/models/database-functions/#replace
from django.db.models import Value
from django.db.models.functions import Replace
string_field=Replace('string_field', Value('old text'), Value('new text'))