An _id member is not mapped to type ObjectId anymore, when its type is only derived from bson.ObjectId:
import (
type CustomId bson.ObjectId
type Foo struct {
ID1 CustomId `bson:"_id"` // broken
ID2 bson.ObjectId // mapped as expected
func main() {
session, _ := mgo.Dial("")
coll := session.DB("mgodemo").C("foocoll")
doc := Foo{
The _id should have been an ObjectId in Mongo. But it turns out that string was choosen:
Mongo Shell:
> db.foocoll.findOne()
{ "_id" : "XvMn]K� �\f:�", "id2" : ObjectId("58764d6e5d4be120fa0c3ab1") } // id2 is OK ...
> typeof db.foocoll.findOne()._id
string // OOps. Should be ObjectId !
This may be intended, since bson.ObjectId itself is derived from string. But here, it's bad for us.
Can we tell mgo to map the _id to ObjectId in the Database ?
Use the Setter and Getter interfaces to control the representation in mongo:
type CustomId bson.ObjectId
func (id *CustomId) SetBSON(raw bson.Raw) error {
var v bson.ObjectId
err := raw.Unmarshal(&v)
*id = CustomId(v)
return err
func (id CustomId) GetBSON() (interface{}, error) {
return bson.ObjectId(id), nil