Enjoying using JGiven with it's Spring support!
However, I'm having issues with @Autowired
playing nice with @BeforeScenario
in a Stage
class (annoted with @JGivenStage
. I have a minimal spring configuration (which reads a couple of property files, scans for components etc) and is denoted with @EnableJGiven
@PropertySource(ignoreResourceNotFound = true,
value = { "classpath:/config/qa.properties", "classpath:/config/env-${spring.profiles.active:}.properties" })
@ComponentScan(basePackages = { "com.mytest.qa.api", "com.mytest.stage", "com.mytest.qa.ui" })
public class SpringTestConfiguration {}
I'm tyring to create a JGiven scenario which has several methods but only does setup once (as it takes several minutes) inside the Given
stage. The feature e.g. MyFeatureTest
(names changed for brevity) is as follows: -
@ContextConfiguration(classes = SpringTestConfiguration.class)
public MyFeatureTest extends SpringScenarioTest<MyGiven, MyWhen, MyThen> {
public void analysis_should_be_correct() {
public void download_should_be_correct() {
My MyGiven
class is as follows: -
public MyGiven extends Stage<MyGiven> {
private QaApi qaApi; // QA API use to hit API directly e.g. for setup
private HomePage homePage;
public MyGiven I_am_at_the_home_page_with_example_dataset_analysed() {
homePage.visit().login(defaultUsername, defaultPassword);
return self();
private void setupSingleAnalysedUpload() {
qaApi.uploadAndAnalyseExampleDataSet(); // !!!! qaApi is NULL !!!!
What i'm trying to achieve is that when I run a scenario (or several tests of a scenario) that the setup setupSingleAnalysedUpload()
method is only called once (as it's very slow).
My approach was to annotate this method with the @BeforeScenario
annotation. However, the protected QaApi qaApi;
is null (doesn't get initialised via the @Autowired
Note - If I comment out the
method and stick a breakpoint onhomePage.visit().login
line thenQaApi
is initialised without issue - assuming spring life-cycling issues with@BeforeScenario
Completely stomped - my gut feeling is that there is missing functionality in the jgiven-spring library? If so, what is the best-practice work around?
This should be fixed in v0.14.0