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Google Protocol Buffer 3.0 - Serialized Length Is 0 After set_field(...)

I am using Google Protobuf 3.0.0. and ZeroMQ to achieve a connection between a server and some clients. So, my proto file looks something like this:

// message Request{} omitted
message Response{
 enum MessageType{
   Type1 = 0;
   Type2 = 1;
   Type3 = 2;
 enum ConfirmationCode{
   OK = 0;
   Error1 = 1;
   Error2 = 2;
 MessageType Type = 1;
 repeated someField1 field1 = 2;
 // ... some code omitted
 ConfirmationCode Confirm = 3;

As you can see, in ProtoBuf 3 there are no longer required or optional fields and I do not use any defaults. Now, I ran into some troubles when serializing some Protobuf messages and trying to send them over ZMQ. The serialization done by google::protobuf::message_lite::SerializeToString(...) does not fail but still, this method and google::protobuf::message_lite::SerializeAsString() produce empty strings, so I thought that maybe not a single field was set in my response before serializing and I introduced a method similar to the following

void InitResponse(Response& resp)

to be sure that at least some fields were present. Still, before and after calling this method, my serialized response has a length of 0. I also tried using google::protobuf::Message::DebugString() but I think this method does not print every field present, since I always end up printing empty strings.

Why do my serialized messages end up empty if the serialization does not fail?



    For enums, the default value is the first defined enum value, which must be 0.

    PB enums aren't the same semantic animal as "usual" enums e.g., C(++). PB is not just another interpretation of your app memory. If you do want your app variables to produce a non-zero PB buffer, do not use default values for those variables. It applies to all PB data types, not just enums. A PB message with int=0, float=0.0, bool=false will be a zero buffer, too.