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clrobj(<class name>) does not have llvm when passing array of struct to GPU Kernel (ALEA Library)

I am getting the "Fody/Alea.CUDA: clrobj(cGPU) does not have llvm" build error for a code in which I try to pass an array of struct to the NVIDIA Kernel using ALEA library. Here is a simplified version of my code. I removed the output gathering functionality in order to keep the code simple. I just need to be able to send the array of struct to the GPU for the moment.

using Alea.CUDA;
using Alea.CUDA.Utilities;
using Alea.CUDA.IL;

namespace GPUProgramming
  public class cGPU
   public int Slice;
   public float FloatValue;

  [AOTCompile(AOTOnly = true)]
  public class TestModule : ILGPUModule
    public TestModule(GPUModuleTarget target) : base(target)

    const int blockSize = 64;

    public void Kernel2(deviceptr<cGPU> Data, int n)
      var start = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
      int ind = threadIdx.x;

      var sharedSlice =         __shared__.Array<int>(64);
      var sharedFloatValue =    __shared__.Array<float>(64);

      if (ind < n && start < n)
        sharedSlice[ind] = Data[start].Slice;
        sharedFloatValue[ind] = Data[start].FloatValue;

    public void Test2(deviceptr<cGPU> Data, int n, int NumOfBlocks)
      var GridDim = new dim3(NumOfBlocks, 1);
      var BlockDim = new dim3(64, 1);

        var lp = new LaunchParam(GridDim, BlockDim);
        GPULaunch(Kernel2, lp, Data, n);
      catch (CUDAInterop.CUDAException x)
        var code = x.Data0;
        Console.WriteLine("ErrorCode = {0}", code);
    public void Test2(cGPU[] Data)
      int NumOfBlocks = Common.divup(Data.Length, blockSize);
      using (var d_Slice = GPUWorker.Malloc(Data))
          Test_Kernel2(d_Slice.Ptr, Data.Length, NumOfBlocks);
        catch (CUDAInterop.CUDAException x)
          var code = x.Data0;
          Console.WriteLine("ErrorCode = {0}", x.Data0);


  • Your data is class, which is reference type. Try use struct. Reference type doesn't fit Gpu well, since it require of allocating small memory on the heap.