How can I elegantly calculate summary statistics (e.g. mean variance) elegantly in scala per group here in this example per each different metric(name)?
case class MeasureUnit(name: String, value: Double)
Seq(MeasureUnit("metric1", 0.04), MeasureUnit("metric1", 0.09),
MeasureUnit("metric2", 0.64), MeasureUnit("metric2", 0.34), MeasureUnit("metric2", 0.84))
An excellent example how to calculate mean /variance per property is but that does not cover the grouping.
You can use Seq#groupBy
val measureSeq : Seq[MeasureUnit] = ???
type Name = String
// "metric1" -> Seq(0.04, 0.09), "metric2" -> Seq(0.64, 0.34, 0.84)
val groupedMeasures : Map[Name, Seq[Double]] =
.mapValues(_ map (_.value))
The groupings can then be used to calculate your summary statistics:
type Mean = Double
val meanMapping : Map[Name, Mean] =
groupedMeasures mapValues { v => mean(v) }
type Variance = Double
val varianceMapping : Map[Name, Variance] =
groupedMeasures mapValues { v => variance(v) }
Or you can map each name to a tuple of statistics:
type Summary = Tuple2[Mean, Variance]
val summaryMapping : Map[Name, Summary] =
groupedMeasures mapValues {s => (mean(s), variance(s)) }