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How to keep the forked repo synced to original repo

Github says, "This branch is 10 commits ahead, 8 commits behind xyz:master".

How do I make it even with the master?


  • Pull master into your branch (say, feature) then solved "8 commits behind". And if you merge feature with master then "10 commits ahead" would be solved.

    # merge 'master' into 'feature' branch (solve '8 commits behind')
    $ git fetch
    $ git checkout feature 
    $ git pull origin master         # pull latest commits of master
    $ git push origin HEAD           # update remote/feature
    # merge 'feature' into 'master' branch (solve '10 commits ahead')
    $ git checkout master            # checkout 'master'  
    $ git pull origin master         # sync with origin/master
    $ git pull origin feature        # pull latest commits of your branch 'feature'
    $ git push origin master         # push to remote/master