We are using Sitecore 7.2 to build a new application, and making extensive use of the new Multilist with Search field. We would like to be able to turn off display of the listed items' versions and languages in the list fields. How do we do this? Thank you.
For sitecore 8 and above versions left part of multi-list field is filled by Ajax response from javascript file.
Below line needs to be modified your requirements, which is in
multilist.options[multilist.options.length] = new Option((item.DisplayName || item.Name) + ' (' + item.TemplateName + (item.Bucket && (' - ' + item.Bucket)) + ')', item.ItemId);
For just item name or display name to be display do something like below:
multilist.options[multilist.options.length] = new Option((item.DisplayName || item.Name), item.ItemId);
Make sure you clear your browser cache after changing the .js file.