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Log all unexpected errors using Log::Log4perl

I want to generate a log for my Perl script. But when I am using Log::Log4perl how can I capture the errors which will be thrown by the script in any case. How to log that to the log file.Currently whatever I write explicitely in variouys tags like ERROR(),DEBUG() etc. are the only one being printed to the log file.

Is there any way to do this using Log::Log4perl.

For Example in the below code:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);

Log::Log4perl->easy_init( { level   => $DEBUG,
                            file    => ">>test.log" });

my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();                           

$logger->fatal( "This is", " fatal");
$logger->error( "This is error");
$logger->warn(  "This is warn");
$logger->info(  "This is info");
$logger->debug( "This is debug");
$logger->trace( "This is trace");

my $a = 10;

my $b = $a/0; 

The divide by zero error is not logged to the script. Mine original script is too complex to check for each error so want something which logs the error on stderr to the log file also.


  • use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger);
    $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
        if($^S) {
            # We're in an eval {} and don't want log
            # this message but catch it later
        my $logger = get_logger("");
        die @_; # Now terminate really

    Also see Log4perl - how can I make sure my application logs a message when it dies unexpectedly?