How can I create this circular progress bar with CSS is it even possible (compatible IE10+, FF, chrome, safari...)?
I think we can use SVG for this but I don't know how to make this.
Around the circle, there is a small border or shadow that changes dynamically according to a progress percentage. If the percentage is 100%, the border will be completly around the circle filling the progress bar.
This Circle progress bar is is adapted form this answer : circular progress bar
It uses SVG with Snap.svg to animate the blue stroke and JS for the counter :
var count = $(('#count'));
$({ Counter: 0 }).animate({ Counter: count.text() }, {
duration: 5000,
easing: 'linear',
step: function () {
count.text(Math.ceil(this.Counter)+ "%");
var s = Snap('#animated');
var progress ='#progress');
progress.attr({strokeDasharray: '0, 251.2'});
Snap.animate(0,251.2, function( value ) {
progress.attr({ 'stroke-dasharray':value+',251.2'});
}, 5000);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<svg id="animated" viewbox="0 0 100 100">
<path id="progress" stroke-width="3" stroke="#4596AB" fill="none"
d="M50 10
a 40 40 0 0 1 0 80
a 40 40 0 0 1 0 -80">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="38" fill="transparent" stroke="#fff" stroke-width="1"/>
<text id="count" x="50" y="50" fill="#fff" text-anchor="middle" dy="7" font-size="20">100%</text>